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The purpose of this report is very simple: it aims to provide a set of reliable, up-to-date statistics on the overall state of Catholicism in England and Wales. This report, authored by Stephen Bullivant, is the first to be published as part of the Catholic Research Forum, a stream of initiatives based within the new Benedict XVI Centre for Religion and Society at St Mary’s University, Twickenham.
Key findings include:
- Nearly half of English and Welsh adults identify as "no religion."
- Anglicans have suffered the greatest decline in religious affiliation over the last three decades, while the Catholic population has remained relatively steady.
- For every one Catholic convert there are 10 cradle Catholics who no longer regard themselvesto be Catholic. For every one Anglican convert there are 12 cradle Anglicans who no longer regard themselves to be Anglican.
- Two-thirds of all weekly-or-more Mass goers are women. Almost a quarter of all weekly-or-more Mass goers are women over 65.
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